Well, as is tradition almost every year since I started this blog in 2010, I believe it is time to recap 2015. This particular recap means more to me personally than has any recap prior to now. I was able to accomplish this year, what I set as my goal for every year from 2008 onward, and definitely since I started this blog in 2010.

2015 held a lot of excitement for me. It opened my eyes to a different world that I had not previously been exposed to, things I had been shielded from by my upbringing. I learned a lot about myself in 2015, and I also changed a lot in 2015. The person I was a year ago isn’t the person I am now, and I’m hugely proud of that.

I gained friendships, lost friendships, and learned a little more about what matters in life this year. I moved out of our rental and spent a couple months homeless, and then bought our dream house (as our first house) and built it into something incredible. I’ve achieved everything I wanted and more this year, and I couldn’t be happier.

Most importantly, on top of everything else I learned about myself, and everything else that I accomplished this year; I achieved the weight loss goal that I’ve been wanting for as long as I can remember. I started out 2015 at 225lbs and largely overweight. I end it at 175lbs, an entirely new wardrobe, and feeling better than I ever have. Am I where I want to be? Surely not. Despite what friends and family tell me, I still think I could lose another 10-15lbs, and I most likely will. But the battle is over and the war is won; now to just clean up and carry on.

That brings me to 2016. 2015 was a year of success stories. Some people had an awful 2015, but mine was really quite fantastic. So where then do I set the bar for 2016? – The old saying with gambling is that people always want more, and that is their downfall. For me, I should really set the bar at an average height, since I had one win. Better to not get greedy, right?

I don’t think so.

For 2016, I am setting the bar incredibly high once again. My 2016 goal is not weight loss, but fitness overall. I am getting a gym membership and a personal trainer, and I am going to build out the muscle I’ve been wanting, and going to get myself to somewhere that I’m happy with my body. The first step in all that was losing the weight, and that part is complete. We’ll see how far I get, but I suspect it’ll be fairly far. Abs may be the only thing that I really struggle with. My family’s body type has always had a Really hard time losing weight, but we also build muscle very easily. My dad was very ripped for a lot of his life, so I don’t think that will be a problem for me.

Looking back at 2015, I never would have guessed that some of the things that happened would have happened. Looking at where we were a year ago, I never guessed we would actually have our dream house, or that it would be nearly as awesome as it is. We’re on our way to a better place financially, and things are looking up all around. We built some kind of a weird fourlowship (that’s what they called it in their Christmas card to us) friendship with our two close friends that got us into raving. We have a weird version of a 4-way relationship with them, because they’re such incredibly close friends, but we also have this weird sexual relationship between Her and the guy, and me and the girl. It’s… awesome. It’s… not something I know how to deal with, despite how much we’ve been experimenting in the swinging lifestlye. This is, different. We’ll see where 2016 takes it. I suspect it will lessen or fall apart; not because I’m a synic, but because all good things do eventually come to an end, and I doubt this would be any different. But we will have to see. Her and I were talking about it, and we basically said that this is a good thing, so we’ll just go with the flow and see where it goes. I’m looking forward to that in 2016.

So, with that, as we drive down the road on the way to one of the biggest NYE (edm) events in the country, Bassnectar 360 NYE, I’ll close this post and finalize my reflections on 2015. Here’s to a great 2016! Happy New Year!

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