And the blur begins. Not that it ever really stopped… but the blur is getting worse. I’m at the point now where I am just working all day every single day and I just want it all to end, but now I have even more to do with school, even more to do with work, and even more to do with all the extra curricular activities I’m directing this year. It’s going to be one CRAZY roller-coaster ride to say the very least.
Today I presented to one of the departments that I work for, and spent the afternoon talking with the director of I.S. at the school I’m at. He has to be one of the most genuine people I’ve ever met. He’s great. He taught me so much about myself today… and now my whole future may be different. Perhaps I’ll expound on that another day. Today, I need sleep. I’ve been getting up at 5am when She leaves for work so that I can be tired enough to go to bed with Her. Now that it’s way past our bedtime, I’m finally ready for bed.